Thursday, December 6, 2012

And Out of Nowhere It Happened....

I just finished writing a book.

The best way I can describe the feeling is waiting in line for 3 hours for this epic roller coaster that lasts a total of 30 seconds and when it is done you ask yourself, "was that it?"

I know - it sounds depressing! Really makes you want to jump in there and write that book that you have been trying to get out, doesn't it?

Needless to say, I have been a little on the "I just finished what was supposed to be a mind-blowing roller coaster that really left me wondering if that is all" kind of mode lately. It's not a fun place to be. I am hoping there are others out there that can relate to this deflated effect of finishing a book.

Sure, it is like there is a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. This book has been on my mind, stirring up scenarios for the last 5 years. It is finally out and it is finally done. But, now that the weight is gone, I am left wondering what is next?

Then it hit me. I am going to write another book.

Easier said than done. I struggled with this thought because I really didn't have another "book idea" floating around my head. With no idea in my head, how was I supposed to actually write another book.

And then out of nowhere, it happened. This idea just floated in and grabbed a hold of me. So, since last Saturday I have been preoccupied. I now have another book working it's way through my mind. I haven't even got the first one published yet, but I think I am going to get started.

After all - why wait?

So starts the second adventure of writing a book. The deadline - January 31, 2013 (unless the world ends. If that happens I will cut myself some slack!)

So now if you see me acting a little crazy - you know why!


  1. Omg, I love you, but I can't even finish my first. I need your inspiration and motivation. Share some of that this way please, lol!! Excited though for you and now you are truly making me feel even more like a bum than I already felt!!

    1. Don't feel like a bum... you are rocking it. I have every bit of faith in you that you will finish! :)

  2. Wow Stacy. I haven't finished my NaNoWriMo book yet, plus I have my crazy novel experiment manuscript sitting at 18,000 words. You are insane! in an awesome way of course. Good for you!

    1. It just came out. I was in the middle of a conversation with my husband and I was like - OMG - I got a book idea. Maybe I should talk to him more often! ;)

  3. I love your analogy to a roller's so true! I felt the same way after I finished my memoir, although I didn't write it in a month...but still. And you are so smart to start another book right away...someone once gave me that advice (can't remember who) that as soon as you finish one book, start on the next. I'm envious that you already have another idea. I've never written fiction before and would like to, but I fear that I don't have the imagination for it. Keep us posted on your progress with book#2!

  4. That's really cool that you are back riding the roller coaster so soon! I'm feeling like a slacker over here. I need to take my writing up a notch! You are an inspiration . :)

  5. Awesome Stacy. Go for it, Girl.

    AS they say that when creativity bulb ignites, there is no fuse or no switch off button near by :)

  6. Oooh, oooh...we could do a JaNoWriMo! Hehehe. Dang...since this photo project started, my poor book has been gathering virtual cobwebs. I'm going to sit and write for 40 minutes tomorrow, dammit. 40 minutes. LOL. You're amazing. I can't wait to see about the next book. :D

  7. ...just so everyone knows which group of bloggerini can be held accountable, I am thinking about trying to take what I believe is an excellent story idea and see what kind of hell I can put myself through trying to make it read like a book.

    Weird, how saying that I am thinking about trying to write a book, makes my head swell up and I find myself looking around for the Teacher to tell me to stop horsing around and focus on my real work.
    Thanks Stacy (and Janine, Julie and Amy and emily and the rest of you...) thanks *a lot*


    good post (btw thank you for the Comment, Stacy I believe I saw the Title you would have submitted for the Contest, so I went ahead and submitted it for you...)

  8. GO YOU! You are inspiring me to return to my manuscript that I left nearly finished a few years ago, and to try to get it out there. Good for you!

  9. I've had a book rolling around in my head for years. Now I'm encouraged that I will get it out onto paper one day!

  10. Stacy, am agreeing completely with the roller coaster analogy. That rush and stillness you feel at the same time as a writer is exciting yet frustrating too. Thanks for sharing, and good luck on the novel!

  11. Yay you! When an idea strikes, start writing. We'll be cheering for you!


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