Sunday, January 20, 2013

Am I going Nuts? Where did this extra kid come from?

I know, I know... I am the undiagnosed mad woman... so asking if I am going nuts seems a little ridiculous. But I am going to ask because obviously I missed something.

Just the other day, I was on Facebook using a very trustworty app program and I just could believe how accurate the results were. But now I just have one question - where did this extra kid come from?

This is actually what I have...

So which one is the imposter? Because obviously this trustworthy Facebook app told me I was only going to have 1 boy and 1 girl.

Well, I guess I have no choice but to keep them all. I only wish Facebook would have told me that I had one too many kids a little earlier. Can you imagine all the money I would have saved!


  1. Haha! I remember taking one of those when I was pregnant with my first and it told me I would have one baby girl. Maybe they meant FOR NOW, 'cause a baby boy and another baby girl followed suit less than three years later...

  2. Ha - I wonder what it would have said for me...if it knew anything about the Cappo lineage, it would know that only boys are born in this family. My husband comes from a family of 5 boys, 1 girl. His sister has 2 girls (as well as 2 boys) but all my husband's brothers have boys (as do we) except for one other girl being born (a fluke!), which brings the total to 15 boys and 3 girls...crazy!

  3. Haha...I'm not entirely sure if that app was entirely truthful. Hmm...but then again, isn't everything the truth on the internet? HAHA.

  4. Omg, this was too funny and seriously have tried that app. Believe it or not it was right on and scared me ever so slightly, lol!! But I loved your take on it and you had me cracking up tonight!! :)

  5. Maybe someone at the daycare figured you wouldn't notice if they send home an extra munchkin in your bag. TA DAH! :D

    Yep, yer nuts! hehehehe


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