Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Photo Bombing at The Grand Canyon

This past weekend we headed out to The Grand Canyon for a much needed weekend of R&R. We were fortunate to meet up with a fellow blogger, Terrye, from The Adventures of A Misplaced Alaskan, and her wonderful family.

However, old habits die hard. Usually, I am the one behind the camera so if I want to be included in the pictures, I have to take self portraits.

When I uploaded the pictures, I couldn't help but laugh when I realized we had been "Photo Bombed!"

Happy couple enjoying a break from the stresses of life.
If you too would like to participate in Wordless Wednesday, check out Pictimilitude for submission guidelines!


  1. Looks like you two had a blast...

  2. Lol! And that's one you're going to remember for a very long time to come. Looks like you had an awesome time!

  3. From all your posts it sounds like you had such a good time. Good picture of you and Eli!

  4. HAHAHA. So you didn't know you had the bunny ears!? Too fun! You take the funniest and awesomest pictures. :D Happy Wednesday! Tweeted this.

  5. haha...I love those two hands on your heads.

    PRecious click, Stacy.

  6. And I thought you and your hubby were human! The antennas you two sport shows differently! lol Great shot!


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