Friday, October 26, 2012

Flashback Friday: Writing the Right Thing at the Right Time

Writing can be hard work... in fact it can be downright
stressful at times. 
As a writer, we all have issues when it comes to ideas. Sometimes we just can't get the ideas flowing and other times we just don't have enough time to get all the ideas down on paper. It is a back and forth situation that can leave us feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

When I started writing online, I focused on it being a hobby. I didn't have deadlines and I didn't have anything in particular that I really needed to get done. I wrote by nobody's rules. However, once I realized I was working for pennies to the dollar, I started wondering why I was even doing it. After all, it is truly sad to realize that most freelance writer's can't survive off the writing.

So I started stressing and realized, I really wanted to contribute more than just the written word. I wanted to pay bills. So I started brainstorming. Everything I did I wondered how I could turn into an article to make some extra cash. Then I realized with all of these ideas, I suddenly couldn't motivate myself at all to do anything. I became stressed and I needed to stop. After all, this job wasn't paying the bills.

This situation has happened on more than a few occasions. And I am sure many other writer's can also relate. The problem is, what do we do about it?

As writer's we are always trying to find new ways to spread our work and make extra money. If you haven't figured out by now - that means we are spreading ourselves thin. So what do we do? Do we write online blogs that pay pennies, do we find a hosting site that will take our written articles for dimes; or do we find contract jobs that will pay dollars? Or do we take it one step further and try to write that best-selling book?

Well, while a break might be necessary, it isn't necessarily the case. That means we have to set priorities. We have to know what are true passion is. If we aren't making bundles of money (or if the money isn't needed to pay the bills) then it is time to find what you are most passionate about.

The last time I had this issue where I found I was unable to write, I opened this blog. Suddenly all the ideas started coming back to me. I could write and I have written, almost every single day. The other sites, while I still participate, have no longer been my top priority. In addition, I have decided to allocate some of my time to writing a book.

The reason - because in the long run, I hope those are the things people will remember me by. If I publish a book - I will be an author. Maybe I can get my name out there so people will say, "Hey did you read that last book put out by Stacy? I couldn't put it down!" Or my blog, because I have created a space that is a place for nothing more than stuff floating around in my head.

So for me, it is about setting priorities. What is going to make me the happiest in the long run. Sure, the pennies and dimes and dollars do add up. But once I spend it on that donut, in years from now it will be forgotten about. So, while I may not be running at the front for the whole world to see right now, I am working hard to get there. And if all else fails and I get overwhelmed, it is important to know that there is always tomorrow and that I have the option of taking a break. As a writer - sometimes it is hard to think about those kind of things because we just want to get what we say out there!

So, if you are looking to read something that will help you relate to how writing in this online world can be stressful and overwhelming at times... check out this week's Flashback Friday feature...

Writing the Right Thing at the Right Time -

 overcoming a form of Writer's Block


  1. very glad to read this, if writing something that another, total stranger can read and identify with is not the core-rush to this blog writing business, then I will be disappointed.
    I could identify with your Post, it elicited an emotional response (from me).

    now, how cool is that?

    1. Glad you could identifiy. I think as a writer we all kind of struggle with this. It is really a hard state of mind. And unfortunately, it is a hard one to fix!

  2. Yay! Reward time for me and pat yourself on the back time for you! I am seriously loving the blogs and vlogs!

    1. Yay! Love reward time! Glad you are enjoying them. I think having a blog is so much fun! :)

  3. I fight this same thing about every other week. It's worse than a roller coaster diet, I swear. You make some very good points and have great advice. Well done, Stacy. The most important thing - never stop. Never give up. Keep writing. :)

    1. It is worse than a roller coaster diet... The ups and downs of being a writer is just stressful. But you are right - never give up! :)

  4. Stacy, I am also right there with you on this and could very much relate. I love my blog and writing on it. I was going to try to write another Hub article today, while Lily napped (well 20 minutes she was up) and was doing yet another article for my blog. So, I too am there with you.

    1. I always hear the advice to spread out your work. I can't do it. Cause I can't decide what should go wear and what not. I love my blog because I feel the freedom to do what I need to do! :)

  5. You rock hon! Awesome job!

  6. Great post! Writing can be the best, but can also be frustrating. I never knew!...until I tried to do something with my writing.

    1. I am kind of feeling this way again, but I think it has something to do with starting NaNoWriMo next week. It is a little nerve wracking and I am doubting myself. Time to get over it! :)

  7. I've been going through a similar thing myself - trying to set priorities. I think a little of everything is the best plan (work on the book, blog and take some freelance jobs) but i find that extremely hard to balance! I keep telling myself I must focus my energy better. Little by little we get there I guess. :)

    1. I think in time we learn how to do all that. Focus our energy better and set priorities. I think my hardest obsticle is the kids being home. My son is always interupting me making it difficult to focus on my writing and even my reading. But I wouldn't change it for anything. There will come a time when he wants nothing to do with me! :)

  8. Stacy, I thought this was great! Since my blog is all about newlywed life, I just sit around and wait for funny things to happen. Even then, sometimes I just sit in front of my computer waiting for the words to come. I think that's just part of writing. Great post!

    1. It is funny how we can turn almost anything into a blog post if we really sit back and watch our life. There have been so many times when I have been waiting for something and it happens. And then there are times were I think - man - I already finished my blog for the day. Darn - I should write another one! :)

  9. That picture is great. I love it when you get inside your head and explain your thought process about stuff...especially writing!

    1. I actually took that picture for one of my hubs. I can't even remember which one. It is funny because it doesn't even look like me anymore. I can't even do my hair like that if I tried.

      Be fair warned though - coming inside my head sometimes is a dangerous place to be! ;) Even I get scared sometimes!

  10. This was great Stacy...obviously so many of us struggling writers could relate. You are so right about priorities, but I also love your never give up attitude. That's what a true writer is all about!

    1. Thank you. Sometimes we just have to keep rolling with it. Only then will the small stuff add up to the big stuff! :)

  11. I know it's ludicrous, but I reduced my expenses and quit my job to do all this: blog, zazzle, photography, hubpages. Write a book. Make a coffee table book. All of the above. My hubby's trying to start a business, too, and we're piss poor, but I tell ya, I'm having the time of my life. You said it: it's now or never and this is what people will remember you by. As long as we stick with it, I have all the faith in the world that we're going places. :) Glad to be on this journey with you. :)

    1. I think that is outstanding that you guys can support each other and your dreams. Don't worry. At one point in time you will see that all this has paid off and all these memories will be something you look back at fondly. Glad to be on this journey with you as well and can't wait to see what we come up with!

  12. Great stuff! Yes...I couldn't agree more. Am in the same boat here - stressing silly between soul-destroying copy writing jobs, and wanting to pursue blogging further, wanting to reach out to companies to write professionally for and to finish that first novel. Luckily for me, I've never been one to play safely by the rules. I wanted to test the waters. No copy writing jobs next week. Losing out on some money (peanuts, but still...) - sometimes that's the only solution that will force me to give it my all. So good to know we're in the same boat and trying to figure the world of writing out. Great post! :)

    1. It is funny to think that we are all trying to figure out something that seems to come so natural to us all. But we will get there. We just have to put our minds together and just do it. As I told my husband, one day I am going to go viral. Just you wait and see! :) But it is nice to know that other people feel the same way trying to figure this whole writing thing out! :)

  13. Stress kills the imagination. It pulls our thoughts back to reality and the things we really can't do anything about. I'm dealing with it now, and it's starting to get a winning hand. Yet, the game's not over yet and things can change at any instant. Great article!

    1. Glad you enjoyed this. And stress - stress is bad. Don't let it take over you! Remember, you are stronger than stress! :)


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